Photo by Steve Johnson:

Just One Thing

As the seasons change so do my priorities. Instead of focusing on outside tasks and food preservation, I have time to catch up on various home projects and mending that’s been put off. But with the sun setting so early my energy has dropped, and I’m feeling overwhelmed with the amount of things on my to-do list.

I’ve been trying to motivate myself to finish the tasks in front of me, but it’s difficult. Because of this, I’m reminding myself that habits are the best way to accomplish tasks when motivation fails. In addition to my typical nightly chores, I’m going to focus on doing at least one small task every evening before going to bed. That might look like darning a small hole in a sock, cleaning the coils behind the fridge, or taking a bag of hard to recycle materials to the correct facility for processing. Every task is a step in the right direction, and each task will help me chip away at the projects that have accumulated.

Photo by Steve Johnson:

I know from past experience that if I continuously do small tasks, the list of projects will get smaller and won’t seem so overwhelming anymore. By doing a little bit each day I will reduce overwhelm and gain motivation, and right now that is just what I need.